Leveraging Intuition for Business Success

Leveraging Intuition for Business Success

How does leveraging intuition for business success actually work or even look like?

In business, success often hinges on making informed decisions quickly and effectively. While data-driven analysis and strategic planning are essential tools for entrepreneurs, there’s another valuable resource that often goes overlooked: intuition. In this 3rd blog of my 3 part Intuition Series, we’ll explore the power of intuition in business and how harnessing this innate ability can lead to greater success and fulfillment.

If you haven’t read Part 1: Demystifying Intuition or Part 2: Embracing Intution, click the titles to read more about this series.

The Role of Intuition in Business

Intuition, often referred to as a “gut feeling” or “inner knowing,” is a subconscious process that allows us to make decisions based on instinct and insight rather than logic alone. In the business, intuition plays a vital role in various aspects, from identifying new opportunities and foreseeing potential challenges to navigating complex situations and building authentic connections with clients and colleagues. Learning how to take a subconscious process and marry it with conscious awareness is key.

Trusting Your Inner Wisdom

One of the keys to leveraging intuition for business success is learning to trust your inner wisdom.

This means tuning into your instincts, paying attention to subtle cues and signals, and allowing yourself to act on intuitive insights even when they may not be immediately logical or rational.

By cultivating a sense of trust in your intuition, you can tap into a powerful source of guidance and direction that can help you make better decisions and achieve your goals more effectively.

Reading signals. A street sign shows a red hand and a white person walking. Symbolizing stop and go

Making Intuitive Decisions

Intuitive decision-making involves combining rational analysis with intuitive insights to arrive at the best possible outcome. This often means listening to your gut feelings, following your instincts, and being open to unconventional ideas and solutions. To me, this is the true meaning of thinking outside the box.

Whether it’s choosing a new business direction, hiring the right team members, or negotiating a deal, trusting your intuition can lead to more innovative and successful outcomes.

Examples of Intuitive Success

Red carpet

Countless successful entrepreneurs and business leaders attribute their achievements in part to their ability to trust their intuition.

From Steve Jobs, who famously relied on his intuition to guide product design decisions at Apple, to Oprah Winfrey, whose intuitive instincts have shaped her media empire, there are numerous examples of individuals who have leveraged intuition for business success.

Practical Tips for Leveraging Intuition

Here are some practical tips for you if you’re looking to leverage intuition in their business endeavors (and you should!):

  1. Practice Mindfulness: Cultivate mindfulness practices such as meditation and self-reflection to quiet the mind and enhance your intuition. This allows you to feel into your body. It doesn’t mean you eliminate thoughts but rather learning to focus on the first ones that happen in relation to seeking answers.
  2. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to physical sensations such as tension, relaxation, a humming feeling, tingling, or “butterflies” in the stomach, as these can be indicators of intuitive insights.
  3. Keep a Journal: Write down your intuitive hunches, dreams, and inspirations to track patterns and gain deeper insights into your intuitive process. Don’t discount anything. The key is the learn how to listen or acknowledge the first thoughts, pictures, feelings or other hunches right away. The smallest or what might seem insignificant can be the biggest insights at times.
  4. Seek Feedback: Discuss your intuitive insights with trusted friends, mentors, colleagues, or advisors to gain perspective and validation.
  5. Take Action: Trust your intuition and take action on your insights, even if they seem unconventional or risky. Remember, intuition often leads to unexpected opportunities and breakthroughs.

In a business world that values logic, data, analysis and facts, it’s easy to overlook the power of intuition in business. However, by learning to trust your inner wisdom and leveraging intuition and intuitiveinsights, you can gain a competitive edge, make better decisions, and achieve greater success and fulfillment in your entrepreneurial journey. So, embrace your intuition, listen to your gut, and let it guide you towards your goals.

Embracing Intuition: Unveiling the Commonplace Wisdom Within Us

Embracing Intuition: Unveiling the Commonplace Wisdom Within Us

Let’s take our talk about intuition in business to the next phase of embracing intuition.

As I wrote in yesterday’s blog of Demystifying Intuition, it’s often associated with mysticism or the realm of psychics and fortune tellers.

However, what if I told you that intuition is not as elusive as it seems?

In fact, it’s a natural and commonplace phenomenon that we all possess, whether we realize it or not. In this 2nd blog of a 3 part series, we’ll explore the concept of intuition and how it manifests in everyday life, from the financial expert who trusts their gut on a stock pick to the business owner who receives a sudden flash of insight for their next big idea.

The Financial Expert’s Gut Feeling

Imagine a seasoned financial expert scanning through reams of data and market trends, searching for the next lucrative investment opportunity.

Despite all the analysis and calculations, it’s often a gut feeling—a subtle yet unmistakable intuition—that guides their final decision. Perhaps they feel a sudden sense of certainty about a particular stock or investment, prompting them to take action and seize the opportunity before it’s too late.

While it may seem like a gamble to some, for the intuitive investor, it’s a calculated risk based on years of experience and finely tuned instincts.

Stock Market. This picture shows a person holding a phone and looking at two comuter screens for the stock market

The Business Owner’s “Eureka” Moment

Similarly, in the world of entrepreneurship, intuition plays a pivotal role in shaping business decisions and strategies. Picture a business owner grappling with the challenge of identifying their next breakthrough product or marketing idea.

Suddenly, like a bolt of lightning, inspiration strikes—a vivid image or concept that feels like a gift from the universe. This intuitive download is not the result of rational analysis or logical deduction but rather a deep, intuitive knowing that transcends conscious thought.

It’s as if the universe itself is whispering secrets directly into the entrepreneur’s ear, guiding them towards their next big success.

Everyday Intuitive Insights

Woman thinking with her finger on her lips

But intuition is not limited to high-stakes investments or entrepreneurial endeavors.

In fact, it’s a constant presence in our daily lives, offering subtle nudges and whispers of guidance in moments both big and small.

Whether it’s a sudden feeling of unease that prompts us to change our route home, a gut instinct that warns us against a questionable business deal, or a fleeting intuition that leads us to connect with a long-lost friend, intuition is always there, quietly steering us towards our highest good.

Embracing Our Intuitive Wisdom

So why is it that we often dismiss or ignore our intuitive insights, chalking them up to mere coincidence or irrationality?

Perhaps it’s because we’ve been conditioned to prioritize logic and reason over intuition, relegating this innate wisdom to the realm of superstition or fantasy.

However, by embracing intuition and our intuitive natures, and learning to trust the wisdom that lies within us, we can unlock a world of limitless possibilities and potential.

Intuition is not some mystical gift bestowed upon a select few—it’s a natural and inherent aspect of the human experience. Whether we realize it or not, intuition is constantly whispering to us, offering guidance and insight in every moment of our lives. From the financial expert who trusts their gut on a stock pick to the business owner who receives a sudden flash of inspiration for their next big idea, intuition is always there, quietly nudging us towards our highest good.

So let’s learn how embracing intuition leads to trusting in the innate guidance and wisdom that lies within us and unlocking the limitless potential of the human spirit and knowledge.

Demystifying Intuition: Embracing Inner Wisdom in Business

Demystifying Intuition: Embracing Inner Wisdom in Business

Today, let’s talk about demystifying intuition in business. I know it’s a novel idea but I and my clients can tell you first hand how intuition plays a big role in our messaging, marketing, business decisions and so much more.

It’s time to learn to embrace inner wisdom in running and growing a business.


A word often shrouded in mystery and skepticism. Yet, what if I told you that intuition is not reserved for a select few, but is an innate gift that each and every one of us possesses? In this blog, we’ll explore the concept of intuition, the stigma surrounding it, and how demystifying intuition and embracing our inner wisdom can revolutionize the way we approach business and professional life.

Dispelling the Stigma

For far too long, intuition has been dismissed as whimsical or irrational, relegated to the realm of mysticism and the occult.

As a result, many people shy away from acknowledging or embracing their intuitive abilities, fearing judgment or ridicule from others.

However, the truth is that intuition is a natural and integral part of the human experience, deeply rooted in our subconscious mind and guiding us towards our highest good.

Intuition and all the aspects of it

Harnessing Inner Wisdom in Business

In the logical and analytical world of business, logic and reason often reign supreme, leaving little room for intuition and gut feelings. Yet, time and time again, successful entrepreneurs and business leaders credit their intuitive insights for guiding them towards innovative solutions, lucrative opportunities, and business success.

Whether it’s a sudden hunch that leads to a game-changing decision or a subtle knowing that steers them away from a risky venture, intuition is a powerful ally in the business world.

Marriage of Magic and Professionalism

As someone who operates at the intersection of magic, inner wisdom, and business, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of embracing and demystifying intuition in professional settings. By marrying the seemingly mystical realms of intuition and magic with the practicality and professionalism of business, I’ve been able to offer my clients a unique and holistic approach to operations management and business strategy. Whether it’s tapping into intuitive insights to streamline processes, enhance team collaboration, or develop innovative marketing strategies, intuition has become an invaluable tool in my arsenal.

Embracing Intuition in Business

It’s time to shatter the stigma surrounding intuition and embrace our innate inner wisdom in the world of business. Instead of dismissing intuitive nudges as fanciful or irrational, let’s learn to recognize them for what they truly are: valuable insights that can guide us towards greater success and fulfillment. By integrating intuition into our decision-making processes, we can unlock new levels of creativity, innovation, and prosperity in our professional lives.

Intuition is not a mystical gift reserved for a select few—it’s a natural and inherent aspect of the human experience. By embracing our inner wisdom and trusting in the guidance of intuition, we can revolutionize the way we approach business and professional life. Instead of fearing judgment or skepticism, celebrate the power of intuition as a valuable ally in our journey towards success and fulfillment. Together, let’s dispel the stigma surrounding intuition and harness its transformative potential to create a brighter and more prosperous future in business and beyond.

I look forward to bringing you more topics and blogs on how well this actually works when you bring it into your life and business and listen to your inner knowing.